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Kids Vacation Bible School

Kids, join us for an awesome week of Bible adventures, songs, games, crafts, snacks, friends and fun!

This year's theme is "Maker Fun Factory" where we'll kids will discover they're lovingly crafted by God. On this interactive adventure, curious kids become hands-on inventors and experience God (the ultimate Maker) in new and wildly creative ways!

Kids will discover important truths and dive right into the Bible! At "Maker Fun Factory" VBS, kids learn one important Bible Point each day, and it's reinforced often through Bible adventures, key Bible verses, songs, snacks, and hands-on explorations that help children know they were created by God and built for a purpose!

Ages: 3 1/2 (and potty trained) — Grade 6
Time: Monday — Friday,  July 17 — 21, 9:30 AM — 12:30 PM
Cost: $15
Register/Questions: Contact Leanne Klein at 763-391-6140, ext. 38 or

Earlier Event: July 15
Men's Breakfast
Later Event: July 24
Women's Bunco Night