As Christians, even youth, we are called to be examples of what Jesus has done. we recognize that if we want to see the world around us changed, it begins with our own hearts and minds being revived to know and love God as he ought to be known and loved. it is out of this fully-surrendered heart that we see God change the lives of those around us. WE'RE PRAYING THAT GOD WILL REVIVE THE HEARTS OF OUR STUDENTS SO THEY CAN SHARE JESUS WITH THE PEOPLE THEY RUB SHOULDERS WITH EVERY DAY.


Join us on Wednesdays, from 6:30–8:00 PM (September – May), for our student Small Groups (Grades 6–12). You'll be welcomed by one of our youth staff who will get you checked in. All youth will meet in the Youth Room and experience live worship music and games. We will also spend time in Small Groups where you'll hang out with other students and dig deeper into the Bible text of the day. Check the calendar below for current activities and times.


If you are in Middle School (Grades 6–8), join us for Bible Study on Sunday mornings. We will meet in Room 112/113 at 11 AM. This isn't meant to be a replacement for a Worship Service, but an extra tool for students to grow in their faith.

Event Signup links

(6–12 Grade Students)

We are spending a weekend together at Camp Lebanon on January 17–19. Join us for a weekend of fun on the snow and ice. Cost: $140 (plus $ for 2 meals). Register online before midnight on January 6.


In order to provide a fun and safe environment for our youth, we require that all volunteers complete an application and background check. If you are interested, talk with Pastor Matt.

Thank you for your desire to invest in our youth!

Weekly Youth EMAIL

Keep up-to-date with what's going on in Student Ministries! To be added to our weekly email blast, email Jena.

Student Info

New to the church and want your student to get involved? Click on this link and fill in the info. 

Medical Release Form


We'd love to answer them for you!

Please contact:
Matt Twist
Student Ministries Pastor
763-391-6140, ext. 117